With the emergence of Digital India, people and organizations are using digital documents instead of paper documents to conduct day-to-day transactions. Digital Signature (DSC) plays a pivotal role in this paperless journey by encrypting documents identities and fostering trust amongst the various stakeholders in our digital society. In simple words, Digital Signature is the electronic and encrypted version of any digital data or documents assuring the authentication of source of information. It is to be noted that soft copy of someone’s signature should not be assumed to be the digital signature. Digital Signature can also be considered as a more secure type of e-signature because they’re cryptographically bound to the signed document and can be verified. When you use a digital certificate obtained from a trusted third party to e-sign, the resulting digital signature is virtually impossible to spoof. It also provides powerful evidence of signer identity, that the signed document was not altered, and that the signatures are valid.
What are the benefits of Digital Signature?
Digital signatures offer numerous advantages in the world of business, revolutionizing the way documents are signed, verified, and processed. Here are some key advantages of digital signatures in business:
- Enhanced Security- Because of cryptographic algorithms to secure documents, Digital signatures cannot be tempered, ensuring that once a document is signed, any unauthorized changes are detectable. This level of security far exceeds that of traditional paper signatures.
- Authentication- Authentication level is very high in Digital signatures. Identities of signatories are always verified ensuring that the signature belongs to the person or entity it claims to represent. This reduces the risk of fraud and impersonation.
- Cost Efficiency- Annual turnover of company should not exceed Rs. 100 crore for any of the financial years since its Incorporation
- Innovative & Scalable- Company should work towards development or improvement of a product, process or service and/or have scalable business model with high potential for creation of wealth & employment
- Legal Compliance and Enforceability- One of the great advantages of digital signatures is that they are enforceable in just about every developed country worldwide. Digital signature can be applied from anywhere in the globe.
- Higher Security- Digital Signature is meant to bring enhanced security to the digitally signed document/ data.
Documents Required for DSC:
Identity Proof of Applicant- Aadhar Card / Passport / PAN Card / Driving Licence, Any other Government issued signed photo ID card
Address Proof of Applicant- Aadhar Card / Voter ID Card / Driving Licence / Latest Bank Statements signed by the bank / GST registration certificate / Property Tax or Corporation or Municipal Corporation Receipt
Why Choose Us?
With the ever growing concept of Digital India, businesses and individuals are realizing the importance of digital signatures. ComplianceBuddy® helps you to apply for DSC with your PAN card and Aadhaar card, receive instant approval from certifying authority, and download your DSC within minutes. We are in partnership with top brands like Sify-safescrypt, Vsign, Pantasign and Emudhra.
Unless the DSC is handed over to you, Compliance Buddy® maintains the full communication with you through your preferred mode of communication to enable smooth application of DSC and to quickly redress your queries. We also assist you in uploading the video as part of mandatory KYC compliance of applicant by guiding them how to upload the video. Finally, You have the option to collect DSC from our offices or to request for courier of DSC to your provided address.